
Customer Appreciation: 11 Gratitude Approaches

This holiday season is a great time to consider how you are showing customer appreciation this year. A little bit of gratitude can go a long way for businesses that want to build lasting relationships with their customers.  There's no denying that businesses aren't much without their customers.

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This holiday season is a great time to consider how you are showing customer appreciation this year. A little bit of gratitude can go a long way for businesses that want to build lasting relationships with their customers. 

customer appreciation

There’s no denying that businesses aren’t much without their customers. If you have a business that doesn’t thank loyal customers, your business is missing a great opportunity. If you want your customers to remain devoted to you for life, then you should zero in on your customer appreciation efforts.

What is Customer Appreciation?

In a nutshell, customer appreciation is any gesture that shows your customers that you are grateful for their business. Customer appreciation has multiple benefits: businesses get to practice gratitude and build stronger connections with their customers; customers feel valued and appreciated.

It’s worth nothing that gratitude has been linked to individual well-being. In fact, giving thanks can make you happier. Why should businesses miss out on the uplifting benefits of showing their gratitude through customer appreciation? Businesses should consider how gratitude can be implemented as a practice.

Showcasing Customer Appreciation: How to Show Gratitude to Customers

Driven businesses these days have to manage all sorts of tasks on a daily basis, but is customer appreciation on that list? At the core of your business model should be finding a way to express your gratefulness for clients who stand by your brand. 

You should strive to pinpoint frequent customers. Email and purchase history are especially important. It can be of utmost important to be able to pinpoint the people who shop with you the most. Once you do that, you can move forward with specialized customer appreciation communication and ultimately, gratitude.

1. Pen Hand-written “Thank You” Notes

Thank you notes don’t have to be antiquated things. They can be thoughtful gestures that show customer appreciation. Why? People these days are so used to things seeming impersonal and distant. Email communications cannot hold a candle to notes that are handwritten. These notes take time and effort, confirming to your clients that you value them.

Hand-written notes take time and effort. They’re still one of the best ways to show your customers that you value them.

The mere sight of your handwriting on the outside of an envelope may make your customers feel valued. If you want your notes to pack a powerful punch, they should be detail-oriented. Make a point to mention certain things that are relevant to the individuals you’re contacting. The last thing you want is for your messages to come across as being “spammy” or like they’re geared towards dozens of people at the same time.

2. Put Together a Personalized Video Message

If you want to express your gratitude, you can put together a personalized video message to show customer appreciation. This video message doesn’t have to be anything overly sophisticated or complicated at all, either. You can zero in on the basics. Round up your staff, if you have any, and get them in on the thank you action.

Have fun and, most importantly, be creative! A little bit of production value can help things, too. It may be nice to use props that are eye-catching and relevant. You may want to film your video in an area that has a wonderful setting.

3. Give Your Customers Custom Gifts

Presents can be priceless for businesses that want to express the highest degree of gratitude for their customers. It can help to present your best customers with gifts that are tailored to their interests and preferences if at all possible. Steer clear of the mistake of giving customers gifts that seem like they’re geared toward everyone.

Mindless gifts don’t mean much at all. If you have a customer who just started a new job, it may help to gift her with something that can help her with the fresh chapter in her world. If you have a customer who recently relocated to a much bigger property, it can be smart to give him something that he can use in his kitchen or home office. You should strive to confirm to your customers that they symbolize more than business to you.

4. Put Together a Useful Loyalty Program

It can be exciting to offer all of your customers with an in-depth loyalty program as part of your customer appreciation. Be sure to set up a program that has rewards that are based on levels as well. This is a simple yet effective option for people who want to show their customers they’re endlessly grateful.

Put together a program that revolves around numerous useful rewards. For example, when your customers complete a purchase, they’ll be able to rack up points. These can be applied to numerous desirable services or products. Customers earn points and you earn repeat business at the same exact time. The assistance of a rewards program can be a game-changer.

5. Surprise Your Best Customers With Thrilling Rewards

You may have certain customers who are particularly keen on your available services and products. If you want to dazzle them with customer appreciation and keep them devoted to your business for years on end, then you should surprise them once in a while.

It may be smart to reward these people in intervals of three months or so. Yearly surprises can even work. Reward them through free service updates. Give them new sample items. Wow them with VIP features. You can even utilize the power of straightforward and classic discounts and coupons. Always strive to give your finest customers the acknowledgement they deserve.

6. Showcase Customer Stories & Case Studies

If you want your customers to know that you’re thankful, find out about their experiences and stories. Interview them to learn about their history, and most importantly, make it about them.

One great way to do this is by writing case studies that put the focus on your customers. Learn how the case study can mention how your company or services has helped your customers. Then post the interview or case study to your blog.

After the interview, request constructive criticism. Find out what your customers liked about your products or services. If they didn’t like anything about your offerings, take that feedback and use it constructively.

If you confirm to your customers that their opinions matter to you, they’ll likely reward you with the highest level of devotion. Don’t forget just how helpful honest and sincere commentary can be, either. This kind of feedback can do a lot for businesses that want to get better all of the time. If you want to be able to make tweaks that can enhance your services and products for the future, there’s no smarter approach than to talk to the people who have all the answers for you.

7. Go Forward With Donations on Behalf of Your Customers

Donations can confirm to your customers that you are a compassionate business. They can verify that you want to do right by the members of your customer base as well. If you want your customers to grasp that you’re thankful for them, then you can go forward with a donation using their names. It can help to donate money or belongings to a charitable group that operates in your area.

You can notify your audience members of this “good deed” through email or text messages. It can be wonderful to indicate to your customers that helping your business simultaneously assists their neighborhoods. It can signify a win-win situation.

8. Hone Your Listening Abilities

Customer appreciation doesn’t have to be anything overly complicated. If you want to showcase this sort of appreciation, you can try something as simple as basic listening. If you ask the right questions, you will find yourself with the right answers. By giving your customers the ability to lead the conversation and provide feedback, you’re creating a relationship. Talk to them about their families, their vacations, and their jobs.

Creating a candid relationship with clients affords you a level of transparency you may not get elsewhere. If you listen carefully, you can identify common themes across client demographics. That means that you can give them access to offerings that can enhance their lifestyles in a big way. What can be better than confirming to your customers that you value their thoughts? The only thing that can top that is presenting them with superior offerings.

9. Provide Free Training For Your Customers

Businesses that want to prove to their customers that they’re thankful should make a point to educate them kindly and patiently. Remember, your customers are drawn to you because they believe that you’re qualified within your field or industry. Make sure they grasp your credentials. You can do so by prioritizing regular education.

If you sell specialized services or products, offer a tips and tricks class. If you’re a digital marketing company, it would be worthwhile to create educational tools to help your customers understand the importance of various tactics. For instance, we here at iThemes offer a large library of free WordPress tutorials!  Customers are the centerpiece of your business and all of its aspirations. That’s why you need to present your customers with things that can make their worlds a lot more convenient and functional.

10. Revel in Customer Glories

Your customers are truly incredible folks. That’s why it’s no shocker that their accomplishments are just as incredible. You should make a point to revel in your customers’ glories and achievements. If you have a customer who just scored a promotion at work, celebrate with them. You can do so by pleasantly surprising them with a small gift. A greeting card can do the trick as well. 

11. Prioritize Authenticity

Customer appreciation is all about authenticity. If you want to soar in your customer appreciation activities, then you should behave as authentically as possible, zero exceptions. Regularly contemplate all of the things that make your customers fantastic, capable and worthwhile human beings. Communicate with them in a manner that illustrates that you’re the real deal. You want your customers to grasp that you legitimately believe in them and want to make their existences better. Make sure your enthusiasm always shines through.

Wrapping Up: Customer Appreciation & Showing Gratitude

Take the customer appreciation challenge. Figure out your best customers or extend a wider policy that shows customers you are thankful for them. You’ll be amazed how a little effort to practice gratitude uplifts both you and your customers.