Get Practical With WordPress Pro Jesse Petersen

We’ve been talking with WordPress professionals, exploring some of the practical tools they use every day. Today we’re getting some quick insights from Jesse Petersen. Jesse started using WordPress in 2005 and today runs Petersen Media Group, a company he founded to offer WordPress services.

Kevin D. Hendricks
We’ve been talking with WordPress professionals, exploring some of the practical tools they use every day. Today we’re getting some quick insights from Jesse Petersen. jesse-petersen-circleJesse started using WordPress in 2005 and today runs Petersen Media Group, a company he founded to offer WordPress services. He’s a frequent WordCamp speaker and is also a former iThemes employee—we’re proud to call him an alumnus. Jesse and his wife have also fostered 34 children and counting, and are currently in the process of adopting their second child.
Freelance—there is nothing free about what pros do.” -Jesse Petersen
We’re going to talk about the ubiquity of WordPress and some of Jesse’s favorite tools:

Why do you love WordPress?

It’s so ubiquitous at this point. You can install it on just about anything and get support and experts everywhere. Being one of those experts is a pretty good income tool.

What are your favorite freelance tools?

While I hate the term “freelance”—there is nothing free about what pros do—my favorite business tools are Tweetbot, Buffer, MacBook Air, Slack and my various hosts. Oh, and iTunes movies, Netflix and VuDu to keep up background noise.

What are your favorite coding tools?

Check out more interviews with successful WordPress freelancers in our series Prosper With WordPress.