Product Updates

Solid Security Pro 8.3.2: Improved Onboarding with BuddyPress/BuddyBoss

Users can now progress through onboarding with BuddyPress or BuddyBoss activated, ensuring a smooth user experience from the start. Plus, gain greater control over your firewall with the ability to deactivate specific rules as needed.

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SolidWP Editorial Team

We’re pleased to announce that Solid Security Pro 8.3.2 is available for download. This release updates the Privacy Policy generator text and adds a visual notice when a user’s role is demoted from the Site Scans page. This release also includes the following fixes:

  • Users are now able to proceed through onboarding when BuddyPress or BuddyBoss is active
  • Certain firewall rules can now be deactivated as expected
  • Opting into the new Usage Data Sharing feature can now be accomplished by checking the “Allow Data Sharing” box on the Settings page
  • Several PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings have been resolved

These changes also apply to Solid Security Basic 9.3.1.

The 8.3.2 and 9.3.1 releases are available now via automatic updates in WordPress sites where Solid Security Pro and Basic are installed. You may also download it from your SolidWP member panel at

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